This site is for the research, software and publications of Andrew Rambaut and members of his research group.


The BEAST software package has its own website:

Dicussion forum for virus evolution and epidemiology:

Recent publications
Establishment and lineage dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in the UK.
du Plessis L, McCrone JT, Zarebski AE, et al. (2021) Science 371, 708-712.
Evaluating the Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Mutation D614G on Transmissibility and Pathogenicity.
Volz E, Hill V, McCrone JT, et al. (2021) Cell 184, 64-75.
Assessing transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England.
Volz E, Mishra S, Chand M, et al. (2021) Nature
Evaluating the Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Mutation D614G on Transmissibility and Pathogenicity.
Volz E, Hill V, McCrone JT, et al. (2021) Cell 184, 64-7.50E+12.
Tracking the international spread of SARS-CoV-2 lineages B.1.1.7 and B.1.351/501Y-V2.
O'Toole Á, Kraemer MUG, Hill V, et al. (2021) Wellcome Open Research 6, 121.
Massive Parallelization Boosts Big Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling.
Holbrook AJ, Lemey P, Baele G, et al. (2021) Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 30, 24-Nov.
The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2.
Andersen KG, Rambaut A, Lipkin WI, et al. (2020) Nature Medicine
Accommodating individual travel history and unsampled diversity in Bayesian phylogeographic inference of SARS-CoV-2.
Lemey P, Hong SL, Hill V, et al. (2020) Nature Communications 11, 5110.
Evolutionary origins of the SARS-CoV-2 sarbecovirus lineage responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Boni MF, Lemey P, Jiang X, et al. (2020) Nature Microbiology 5, 1408-1417.
A dynamic nomenclature proposal for SARS-CoV-2 lineages to assist genomic epidemiology.
Rambaut A, Holmes EC, O'Toole Á, et al. (2020) Nature Microbiology 5, 1403-1407.

Latest software
2019-06-13 - TempEst
Explore temporal signal and clocklikeness in trees (formerly Path-O-Gen)
2018-11-25 - FigTree
Produce high-quality figures of phylogenetic trees
2018-08-01 - BEAST
BEAST is a cross-platform program for Bayesian MCMC analysis of molecular sequences.
2018-05-01 - Tracer
A program for analysing results from Bayesian MCMC programs such as BEAST & MrBayes
2017-09-17 - Seq-Gen
An application for the Monte Carlo simulation of DNA and amino acid sequence evolution along phyloge(...)
2008-11-29 - TreeStat
A program that calculates summary statistics of a set of trees
2002-12-01 - Phylogen
2002-10-04 - TreeEdit

Andrew Rambaut, 2007